tisdag 3 december 2013

Leeton, australia

We got 3 new guys arriving. German Paulo, Danish Nikolaj and An Italian guy who managed to stay two nights before Michael kicked him out. Those two just couldn't handle eachother. 
The german, danish guys didn't get a very good start here as they got put at the worst job ever, where they after their first full day of work earned about 15 dollars, which isn't even enought to pay the rent for the day.  We all felt a bit sorry for them, but told them that it would getting better and that they shouldn't do the job perfectly good since they obviously aren't pay'd to do so. I was doing weeds that week, hacking and spraying them away. I finished early Wednesday and walked to town to meet Sam1, Sam2 and Livy at the pool where they got dropped off after finishing their work. We spent a couple of hours there, working at our tans, swimming, sliding and chatting before leaving to the bar for a good cold drink during their happy hour. We met the new guys, Paulo and Nikolaj in town who gave the Sam's a lift back home as me and Livy was catching a lift with Stinas. 

I finished early the next day as well so me and Livy, who had a day off, walked into town to get a coffee from Stinas and going for a BBQ in the park. We met Nikki and English Sam (1) at the park as well as they're driving the bikes there. Katharina joined in after finishing work as well and we all had a nice time  together. Me and Livy took the bikes back to the shack as the others where staying later and going back with Kat's car. It been a while since we been on a bike thought, so it turned out to be a little adventure including falling over in the middle of the street .. 

Nikki, Kat and English Sam (1) 

That night we had a goodbye party for Sam 1, the English Sam who's leaving the shack for Sydney the next day, before going back to England. Lots of fun and a good way to include the new guys in our little group as well. Since I was drinking goone that night (Australian cheap cheap wine) instead of beer my hangover the next day was one of the worst. Luckily I only had a half day of work so I spend the rest of the day with Livy feeling sorry for eachother. We spend the evening in the common area watching 'how I met your mother' together before having a tearful goodbye to our dear friend Sam who's catching the night train to Sydney. 

Stina was housesitting that weekend, watching out for someone's house when they was away, so she wasn't around the shack. Saturday night me, Livy, Belguim Sam, German Paulo and Danish Nikolaj drove over to her house to have a nice dinner together, cooked in a clean kitchen, drinking wine from real wine glasses and just enjoying beeing around a nice, clean house. How you appreciate this small things after beeing in the shack for a while. We had an amazing evening thought, and we were all so facinated by the cleaness, the couches comfort and the proximity between all the rooms. 

Me and Livy where put back on desuckering that weekend, and after work on Sunday we drove together with Paulo, Nikolaj and Sam to this nearby river everyone told us about. It should be around a 20 minutes drive there, but as it wasn't really easy to find we drove around in circles for over an hour before finding the right way. It did was amazing, with a beach along the sideway. And the sun shining on it's way down.  Allthought, the currency was really strong, in which I got stuck in once so the guys had to pull me out as I was swimming for my life but got nowhere.

Me and Liv in the car with a (glass)bottle of wine

Me and Liv got Monday off, as there's still not much work going on. We did some cleaning before walking into town for cappucino, a couple of hours at the pool and ended up at the bar waiting for the rest of the shack arriving for shopping - Monday's supermarket run. 

As Kat got really, seriously sick that night (probably by yesterday's food) she wasn't able to drive to work as we was suppose to work together. Which means that I, by myself this time, got another day off.  I did some skypeing and more serious cleaning in the morning before realizing that I left my bag, with my kee, in the kitchen who someone locked before getting to work. So I couldn't really do much around here before finding Michael at mid day asking him to open for me. By that time Liv arrived back from work and Kat woke up from sleep so we all started at this 1000 pieces puzzle me and Liv bought yesterday to keep us busy at the shack. I planned to go to the gym as well, but half way there I realized  that what I'm doing at the gym is always exercises with my own bodyweight, which I can do for free in the park. And today was the perfect cloudy wether for outdoor exercises as well so I ended up spending a couple of hours there. 

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