torsdag 26 december 2013

Blue Montains, Australia

Together with Liv and Kathe we were about to drive up to the blue montains for a one week trek and camping trip. Since we're all on the travellers budget, and knew that we had to put a lot of money while back in Sydney we all wanted to make this trip as cheap as possible. 
Isabella called me up at 7.30 in the morning as they where heading up to the Blue montains as well for a day trip. Since I couldn't wait to see my best friend I went straight to meet her up in the morning and to go with them up in the montains where I'd meet Kathe and Liv again that same evening. 
Since I haven't seen her in four month that catch up was amazing, and to spend the day with her and her family. We drove with their rented car up in the montains to go to echo point and the three sisters where we got the most breathtaking view over the montains. From there we drove to the other side of the valley to go on this skylifts between the montains and tiny trains down in the valley, the rainforest and spectacular waterfalls. In the end of the day we went to Katoomba, which is a quaint little town nearby. We had a little walk around but since Isabella's brother where feeling sick they decided to head back to Sydney and therefore drop me off to meet up with Kathe and Liv again. 
Even if the sights, views and everything from this day was amazing, the most enjoyable thing was to be around my best friend again. It gave me new travel energi, and I recon that if a could meet someone close from home a little now and then, I could keep traveling for ever. 

             Isabella and I  at echo point with the view over three sisters 

Me, Kathe and Livy drove to one of the free camping spots nearby. The road there was one of the worst I've ever seen, in which we were stuck with for 9 km before we reached this beautiful campspot where we spend the night. We went back to the three sister and echo point the next morning, basically cause Livy and Kat missed it the dy before. Somewhere around there we lost Kathe who thought we all were going down the giant stairway together, while we understand her as she were coming back in a couple of minutes. We found her three hours later full of scars, after basically falling down the stairway and taking the railway back up. She was fine thought, just a bit tired. we drove back to the city of Katoomba for a drink and ended up spending the night there sleeping in the car. 

Our third day we went to explore the area around Katoomba before moving on to the next free campingspot as we worked our way back to Sydney. We went to the famous wenworthfalls where me and liv had a swim, even if the wether wasn't too good. We had a little walk up and down the stairways along the montains over an lovely view. We ended up at a gorgeous cafe with a beautiful montainview where we relaxed for a while before continuing for a afternoon bush walk. The bushwalk took us straight into the jungle along a tiny pathway who took us to four different waterfalls. It was an amazing feeling walking throught the bush, having poisonous snakes blocking you're way, stunning forest with the sun shining throught, and wonderful waterfalls all around. I was in heaven. 

                    Liv and I under the wenworthfalls 

We spend the night at a different campsite and the following day exploring the area around. As Kat didn't feel to good, me and Livy went on our own adventures into the jungle. We followed a pathway,  it kept getting smaller and smaller and ended up with us making our own way throught the bush. We did found our way back to the pathway where we could take another turn which soon enought brought us to a gorgeous lake an the middle of the jungle. amazing. That night a French girl and a group of English people arrived to the campsite, and we ended up having our own little party together, with spotlights, music, fire and way to much wine. As none of us felt to good the next day, we spend most of the day in the next town to get our stuff Charged. I Wasn't well prepared before leaving civilization and ran out of battery on my camera, phone and iPad our very first day in the montains. Also, I forgot my camera charger in Leeton. After a couple of hours in this cosy little town we drove to the next camping spot, and our last one before heading back to Sydney. 

The red hand's cave mission
I felt a lot better the next day and was ready to explore more of the Australian nature. We started the day with going to the jellybean pool, or so they called it even if it was more of a tiny lake surrounded by rocks. Liv got to try cliff jumping for her first time which was well exiting. 
as Kat still didn't feel good she went back to the tent while me and Liv headed into the forest on our own adventures again. Let's call it the red hand's cave mission. We had no idea where to go, or where to start so we asked this Australian man down the road. He advices us to go to the red hand's cave, which is this super old aboriginal art cave and off we went. We soon got to the Blue pool, where we continued straight to follow the pathway further into the woods.  The pathway soon turned in to no pathway, which we found quite common by now, but there where colored signs on the threes which hopefully would lead us to the cave. Since there's been bush fires in the area we ended up following burned signs who led us straight upon the hill right into the bush. We soon found ourselves completely lost in the middle of the djungle. As our eyes searched for burned signs it catched the sight of a little house just down the hill and up another. As we had no idea where else to go we hiked there straight away with the hope to find someone to direct our way back. We found a beautiful house, a swimming pool which was well advertising to jump straight into after hiking for hours in Australians worst heat. We found no human life signs. Since we didn't really feel like heading back into the pyramid of woods, we followed the street which hopefully would bring us back to where we started. We found a playground to enjoy ourselves at, but still no people. From walking in a pyramid of woods, we were now walking in a pyramid of empty streets. Finally we managed to find a lovely lady driving out of her parking spot. Since it was quite a good walk back, and one of Australians hottest day, she was nice enought to give us a drive back to where we started. 
So were where back at the parking spot where Kat dropped us off over two hours ago, but still haven't found the cave. We met a nice woman who explained the way and gave us a map this time and we finally managed to find our way there. The cave it selves was cool as well,  and I always wanted to see aboriginal art like this. Even if the hike there was more of an adventure. 

                     Kathe, Me and Livy at the jellybean pool 

So we managed to live super cheap this 8 days in the montains, until the very last day at our camping spot where we got about a 100 dollar fine all together for putting up our tent at the day used area. It was signs everywhere saying 'camping prohibited', but since none of us (not even English Liv) knew the meaning of that word we just assumed it would be allowed. Quite enoying but considered how much money we saved this day by not living in hostel it didn't felt too bad. 

The Lennox bridge mission
Our last day in the montains we went to find Australians oldest bridge, the Lennox bridge. We drove into the parking spot right next to a little bridge thinking 'this can't be it' since we expected a beautiful old one we saw on lonely planets picture. A sign saying Lennox bridge directed us into the forest so off we went. We guessed our way throught the jungle of pathways until we met a nice guy on a bike who could give us more specific directions. We got ourselves to a nice viewpoint, which we forgot to enjoy beeing to obsessed finding this bridge. Lost in the djungle of different pathways again we managed to run into the same guy on a bike who pointed out the way for us. Again. We followed the road until we found a map of the area who to be honest, was more confusing than helpful. We were just about to take off the wrong turn when we for the third time saw the same cyclist coming up the road. He must have thought we were going mad, which to be honest I thought we did. He directed us down the road one last time which brought us to another beautiful viewpoint. With only the bridge in our mind we continued downhill, just as we got told. We were running by excitement and just when we expected it to appear in front of us we saw ourselves standing back at the same carspot as the one we started off from. Beeing well frustrated by this point we asked for new directions by this lovely Australian old couple that just pulled over next to our car. 'You're looking at it' was the response we got. Apparently this beautiful old bridge beeing slightly renovated over the years, but it sure was the one right next to us. 

               Beautiful Blue montains

Our last night up in the montains we spent in a park before sleeping in the car, since there was no camping spots around. But since we was completely mosquito free in the park, for the first time in over a week, Liv and I ended up bringing our sleeping bags out to sleep on the grass. It wasn't a very good sleep but I do love the feeling of sleeping under the sky. 
And there our trip ended and we were about to head back to the big city for Christmas celebration, and New Years celebration. The past week been lovely in every possible way. And I'm definetily sure ill come back, since it know there's so much more to see and explore in the area. 

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