tisdag 5 februari 2013

Vang Vieng, Laos

We're now in Vang Vieng, this beautiful little Village surounded by montains in the north of Laos. Yesterday I went tubing toghether with Rebecca, Anna and two really sweet australian girls that we been hanging out with this days. We had so much fun while we where chilling in a tube, som en stor badring, 4km down the river. And with this amazing view around you. Really cool.
Today we went to visit this superhäftiga, gigantiska cave. Its like never ended and it was really cool. Had to use my climbing skills again, and you all know that I love that. Then we took a swim in this beautiful lagun next to the cave. Really deep to so you could jump into the water from the trees.
Love this place, got so much to do!

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