tisdag 19 februari 2013

- Tahkek, Laos

So after hours and hours and 30 more hours of busrides, and at least one god night sleep, we we're finally back on track. Rebecca went further south, to four tousand islands. Probably meet up with her again later, but I got so much more time then she has and don't feel like be in a hurry. Insteed I went with Anna and the other 2 dutch girls to go on a scooteradventure trought all this local villages  for a few days. I never learned how to drive one of those, so I spent most of the time on the back. But we had a great time, driving trought the montains, with the wind in your hair and with an amazing view. Cool experience. The roads wasn't that good and sometimes it was like driving on the beach, or on the top of mount everest. So when you finally reached the good roads it felt like driving in heaven. The same feeling as when you finally get to drive a real car, after only been driving my fathers old one ..
When we reached our hostel the first night they only had one room left, which we had to share with the four of us. 2 beds and one toilet. Not that much space, but it was cosy and cheapcheap.
The locals around did not speak english at all, and just to ask for the toilet or to order food was a big challange. Specially when you have to explain that you don't eat meat ..

Our last day on the road we went up really early to spend the first three hours in this little boat thought an amazing, really cool cave before driving 200 km back to Tekahk to catch a bus in the afternoon. In some way we made it, even if the time was tight and our scooter almost crashed when we got 50 left.

But the most important thing: I'm Still alive!

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