torsdag 20 november 2014


It's a long non easy way travelling from Melbourne to Sihanoukville, Cambodia. After a last brunch with Stina at the Deli for goodbyes, I headed for the airport. 9 hours and 35 minutes to Bangkok felt like an eternity. Beeing to cheap to pay for the entertainment screen surely payed off.  I finally found myself back at the airport of Bangkok, 8.30 pm local time. I didn't really have any plans from there but I somehow convinced myself that there would be a nightbus waiting for me at the the airport. My quote 'the best plan is to have no plan' is probably not always the way to go. I headed straight for the tourist information where the man kindly informed me that there's no nightbuses going to Cambodia at this time, but that I could wait for the one leaving at 11 am. Beeing to overexcited to see my dear long lost sister I was not looking forward to spend 14 hours at the airport before beeing able to move in her direction. There must be a better option. Taking a shot I got into a taxi to the local bus station 45 minutes and 400 bath away. There's better be a bus. I tried to ask the taxi driver whether the bus station was still open at this times, or if I was just wasting my time. The only thing I got out of his answer was that he offered to drive me all the way to sihanoukville for $500. I was tempted. 

At 10.03 pm I got dropped of at the bus station. I ran up to the counter and asked for the next bus to Trat, which would be the city closest to the border. She gave me a ticket and told me to run, there's a bus leaving at 10. On shaky legs I got myself a seat on the bus I shared with only locals as we took of. 5 sleepy hours later and beeing the only one left at the bus I got to Trat. Despite that it was 3 am I cuddled up next to Bert on a bench and slept until the first bus was leaving to the border. 
Getting pass immigration was easy and way more comfortable when your away from the crowds. While at the Cambodian side I had to figure out how to get to sihanoukville. Just that last bit. I got on the back of a moto taking me to the bus stop. 
'8 o clock' he said and pointed at his armwatch. 15 minutes. 
I was happier than ever, knowing that my sister was only a few hours away. And with the wind in my hair gliding pass the beauty of Cambodia. I should be worried about missing this bus, but I wasn't. This little journey had proved to me that everything's always works out the way it should. At least so far. As we got into to the city we saw the bus driving away. Did I miss it? My driver started shouting in Cambodian to the locals behind us who started pointing in the direction we just saw the bus leaving. The driver turned around and went straight after it. We got just behind it and when the driver realized that we were hunting them he stopped for us. People are so nice. I thanked my driving hero to pieces while entering the bus that in 4 hours would bring me to the reunion with my sister. 

I found her beautiful smile in the cafeteria of 'Led zephyrs' having hangover breakfast with Louise. After tons of hugs and 'OMG I can't believe you're here' I joined them. I hadn't had anything to eat since my breakfast with Stina, 32 hours ago. Fried noodles have never tasted that good. Louise's hangover brought her back to bed while Alice and I went for the beach. We couldn't stop talking. We chatted the hours away in a way you can only talk with you sister. God - I've missed her. 
That night I dragged Alice and Louise out to the bars even if they're still recovering from yesterday. I was like 'I'm not spending my only night in sihanoukville in bed'. We played killer pool with an English- American group of guys, went pub crawling for free drinks and ended up with an ocean swim.  I also happened to run into Hanna at one of the bars! a Swedish friend of mine that Eric and I hung out with in Melbourne. Small world, huh? 

Koh Rong
We caught the boat to Koh Rong the next morning, with its beautiful nature, beaches and cosy atmosphere. We spend the day at the beach and the night at the bar after running into the crazy Irish boys that kept Alice and Louise up all night just before I arrived. And they was about to do it again. 'Drop and give me 10' became a standard game among them when you basically challenge someone to get down and do 10 push-ups, or the almont that you wish. You can do this anywhere, anytime as long as the person who announce it does it as well. If you refuse, you simply have to take your pants off. I tried this with Alice and Louise way later. Sadly enough without any success. 
The next day we went for the trek across the island to Long beach. Remembering that last time I was doing that, Caroline and I followed the wrong track for ages I promised myself and my company not to that again. Even I'd I wasn't the one leading us the right way we finally found ourselves in paradise. 7 km of the whitest sand and clear blue water. And sand flies. How could I forget the sand flies? After hours on the beach getting eaten alive and caught bites that would haunt us for weeks, we watched the sun set at the horizon as we took the long boat back to our beach. 
We ran into our English-American group of friends again that night and who kept us company until we were ready for bed. We had a boat to catch in the morning. 

To Siem Reap
We took the boat back to sihanoukville where we spend the day getting massages, getting our laundry done and doing absolutely nothing in the bar of 'led zephyr' as we waited for the nightbus to take us to Siem reap. I've never had a better sleep at a bus than this one. There was no seats at all, but bunk bets covering the inside. One bed was to share between two people, which wouldn't be a problem if you don't happen to found yourself next to a greasy old man. As a young girl, that would make you feel highly uncomfortable. I told Alice and Louise that if that happens to me I'd jump in with them. They got the biggest bed of all, the one across in the back and had heaps of free space. I had to share my bed with a girl, but ended up giving my seat away and get cosy with Alice and Louise anyway. There was one poor little girl sitting on the floor cause she refused to get on next to the wierd old man in front. I gave her my seat and she couldn't be more appreciative. 16 hours on a bus on bumpy roads took us to Sihanoukville. We dumped our bags on a hostel for the day and went for a shopping tour. I was in desperately need to get myself a backpack instead of my cotton- salvos bag I've been dragging round over one shoulder so far. And we had to Louise a new phone as her IPhone got stolen that night in sihanoukville, just before I got there. 
Our flight was leaving at midnight, and we had a tuk tuk to pick us up and drive us to the airport. We spend our last hours in Siem reap at pub street with the Angkor beers. Just as we ordered the third round we realized how how late it got and had to down it in one before heading back for our pickup.
We got to the airport with plenty of time, but was refused to enter the plane that would take us to the Philipines without having an outgoing ticket. 
'Well, we don't have an outgoing ticket' I tried but got explained that without an outgoing ticket they could not let us on the plain. I quickly borrowed their computer and booked us the cheapest ticket out of there, 3 weeks later. Borneo. I always wanted to go there anyway. 
And so we entered the plane, full of excitement for our next destination. Phillipines. 

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