tisdag 20 augusti 2013

Back in Bankok, Thailand

4 months back home finally got me back traveling.This time with Australia as my main goal after about a month in asia.  So Yesterday morning I put my feet back on Bankok's dirty ground for what become to be my 6th time this year. And definitely the most rainy one.
I reached for the overcrowded skyline to get myself from the airport to the train station where I was about to book a ticket down south to meet up with Isabella and Eric. Unfortunate they only had trains going during the night, so I had about 8 hours to kill in the big city. I left my bag at the station, planning to go for a big one-day Bankok adventure. Because of the time difference I didn't got much more than an hour of sleep on the flight, so soon enough my tiredness took over which make me end up at one of the bars of khao San road instead. But with Free wifi, cheap beer and an amazing Asian meal so it wasn't   to bad. Went for a massage too before I head for the train, where I passed out as soon as I've reach the trainseat. 
When I woke up I didn't knew where I was. the guy right next to me started to speak Swedish to me which made me all confused. Apparently it says Sweden all over my face, but it took me a good while to realize that I'm in Thailand. The swedish guy gave me some beer and we chatted for a while before I went back to sleep in my seat who, just like magic, turned into a small sized bunk bed. 

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