torsdag 24 januari 2013

- Tonsai, Krabi

Had the most fantastic day yesterday. Woke up early to go rockclimbing again. This time without any security, but over the ocean. It was this incredible rock where you climb as high as you can and then jump into the sea. I love to cliffjump, and to rockclimb so it was just the perfect combination. The climbing routlevel was kinda hard, and i dont got that much of climbingskills. But on the other hand I'm not afraid of high hights so could climb as high as I could and then jump from there when some of the others had to stop climbing cause there were afraid if jumping. Anyway, i really loved it. Climbed up to like 18 meters and jumped back inte the water. Wow.

We moved to Tonsay a couple of days ago. Another beach in the same area. Met really good people and a nice guy who guided us to another viewpoint in the middle of a mointain. We acually had to du some clinbing throught the mointain and all this caves where it was so dark that you couldn't even see your hand in front if you. But it was really cool. Moving on to koh Pan ngan today.

I really don't miss Sweden at all, but wish that I could share my time here with my friends and family. Who I really love and miss. Im glad that my mom forced me to write this blog cause I want you all to know that I having the best time of my live. Take care!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Baby, blir så sugen när jag läser om allt du gör! låter helt underbart, förstår om du gifter dig med en inföding på en liten ö och lever resten av ditt liv badandes i kokosnötsbikini. Så om detta skulle bli aktuellt så har du min välsignelse. Här är det runt -3 grader, slask och allt det som brukar känneteckna sverige i slutet på januari. Har även insett att avtalsrätt faktiskt är tråkigare än vad det låter... så njut på så länge du kan!!! Tusen pussar, tiotusen kramar, en oändlig mängd kärlek från din typ bästaste vän

  2. Jeezus! Det låter skithäftigt!! Bara klättra och hoppa .. aahh, shit vad coolt! Shit vad extra mycket deprimerande det blev nu att jag sitter i skolan ...
